Automate your workplace training matrix
Reduce your workload with instant automations and simple setup
Hassle-free, takes around 15 mins
Reduce your workload with instant automations and simple setup
Hassle-free, takes around 15 mins
ClickHSE - The Learning Management System
Nobody likes time consuming repetitive tasks, so we made it easy with ClickHSE’s training automations. Simple to setup, automations let you issue training licenses and risk assessments to new users instantly, ensuring your teams have the correct courses and resources at their fingertips without having to wait.
Our powerful automation tools let you map out your training matrix to instantly issue the right courses to the right teams. Automate license issuing based on premises location, departments, job roles or for mandatory courses such as Fire Training to your entire organisation. All in just a couple of clicks.
ClickHSE deploys thousands of automations all day - every day, giving managers back the time they need to focus on the things that are important, with instant training course and risk assessment deployment done for you.
Stay up to date with everyone’s progress at a glance with feature-packed reports that make progress tracking easy. Filter quickly to find compliance gaps, see who has not yet started their training and access certificates for those who have.
“The admin access management to monitor training records is very easy to use, with real time results.”
Dermot Duke
Non-Clinical Risk Co-ordinator, HSE
Automatically issue training courses and risk assessments
Configure by users’ location or job role
Instant deployment on user signup
Manually add courses to individuals when required
Set essential training for everyone in just three clicks
Add and edit automations as your training library grows
Get a ClickHSE demo, hassle-free and takes around 15 mins →