The Top 5 compliance courses every business should have
As a business manager or owner, it's important to stay up-to-date on the compliance courses you need to provide for your staff. By providing these courses, you can ensure that your business is following best practices and protecting itself from potential legal risks. Here are the top 5 health and safety compliance courses every business should have:
1. Fire Safety Training
2. Manual Handling Training
3. Slips, Trips and Falls Training
4. DSE Training
5. Role Specific Training
Fire Safety Training
Fire safety is an essential element of staying safe no matter your environment. As such, mandatory fire safety training is a requirement for facilities to remain compliant with UK fire legislation and regulatory reform order 2005. By adhering to best practices in fire safety, you can reduce the risk of property damage or loss of life due to fires. Fire safety training instructs staff members on all the necessary protective measures needed in case of an emergency. With this knowledge, you're business is enabled to act quickly and effectively in any dangerous situation caused by fire. When it comes to keeping staff and property safe, mandatory fire safety training is paramount.
Is fire safety training mandatory in the UK?
Yes. Fire Safety Training is also mandatory for employees under UK legislation. This means that any business or facility located in the UK must ensure that their staff and visitors are provided with the necessary training to protect against potential fire risks. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires employers to take all reasonable steps to reduce the risk from fire and make sure people can safely evacuate in the event of a fire.
Who this training applies to:
Fire safety training is applicable to all staff. Visitors, contractors and members of the public who have access to the building or area where the fire risks may exist also need to be aware fo any emergency evacuation procedures in the event of as fire.
Manual Handling Training
When it comes to health and safety in the workplace, manual handling training is key. It's important that all workers understand proper techniques for lifting and carrying heavy objects, as well as know the basic precautions they can take when they're moving something heavy. This sort of knowledge can make a real difference in avoiding health risks and injuries related to manual labour. Providing your employees with health and safety instruction for manual handling is a relatively simple way of preventing avoidable accidents - something that will benefit both them, and your business!
Is manual handling training mandatory in the UK?
Yes. Manual handling training is mandatory for employees under UK legislation. The law requires employers to take all reasonable steps to reduce the risk of injury or harm due to manual labour. Training in correct techniques for lifting and carrying heavy objects, as well as basic safety measures when moving such items, are key components of manual handling safety.
Who this training applies to:
Manual handling training is applicable to all staff who may lift, carry or move heavy objects in the course of their duties.
Slips, Trips and Falls Training
Slips, trips and falls contribute to a considerable number of workplace injuries each year, so it's essential that all employees are trained in how to keep themselves safe. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommends that employers introduce policies and procedures to reduce the risks of slips, trips and falls in the workplace. This can include Slips, Trips and Falls awareness training and additional training about the correct footwear for certain tasks or providing access to anti-slip floor surfaces. Good preventative steps can contribute a great deal to reducing accidents in the workplace and can help keep everyone safe.
Is slips, trips and falls training mandatory in the UK?
Yes. Slips, trips and falls training is mandatory for employees under UK legislation. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 requires employers to take all reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of their employees. This includes providing suitable training on how to reduce the risks of slips, trips and falls in the workplace.
Who this training applies to
Slips, trips and falls training applies to all employees who are exposed to potential risks due to slips, trips and falls. This includes any workers who may be exposed to wet or slippery surfaces, uneven terrain, steps or stairs, or other potentially hazardous conditions that could lead to an accident.
DSE Training
DSE (Display Screen Equipment) Training is an indispensable part of keeping a healthy and productive workplace. It focuses on posture, workstation setup, and other techniques in order to prevent health problems such as repetitive strain injury (RSI), eye strain, and other illnesses that can lead to lost time from work. With regular DSE training you can rest easy knowing that your employees are safe and able to do their jobs without discomfort. Make sure to keep up with the latest regulations and make sure that your staff get all the necessary training they need - it's beneficial for everyone!
Is DSE training mandatory in the UK?
Yes. DSE Training is mandatory for employees under UK legislation. This legislation applies to all workers in the United Kingdom and is developed to ensure their safety and well-being while at work. According to the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, employers must take all reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of their employees, which includes providing suitable training on how to use display screen equipment (DSE) safely.
Who this training applies to
DSE training applies to all employees who use display screen equipment (DSE) for their job. This includes any workers who regularly use computers, laptops, tablets, or other digital devices that have a visual display. It is especially important for those who may be working long hours with DSE, as this can lead to eye strain, neck strain, and other musculoskeletal problems. DSE training should be updated regularly to ensure that employees are following the latest regulations for safe use of DSE.
Role-Specific Training
Role specific training is one of the best ways to ensure that your employees know how to correctly carry out their work. By effectively training workers on processes, systems, and other key elements of their day-today activity, you can help to mitigate risk in terms of injury, quality control and meeting specific output goals. Furthermore, in today's ever changing climate, role specific trainings also give employees additional skills they can use in their current position as well as when they transition to something new - giving them a distinct advantage over others in the job market.
Is role specific training mandatory in the UK?
Yes. Role specific health and safety training is mandatory for employees in the UK. Under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, employers must take all reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of their employees, including providing suitable training on how to operate safely in their role.
Who this training applies to
Role specific training applies to all employees who perform a job that carries a potential risk to their health and safety. This includes any workers who may be exposed to hazardous environments, such as construction sites, warehouses, manufacturing plants, and other workspaces with a high level of risk. It is especially important for those who may be working in positions that involve working with hazardous materials, operating heavy machinery, or any other potentially hazardous tasks. Role specific training should be updated regularly to ensure that employees are following the latest regulations for safe work practices.
It is clear that fire safety, manual handling, slips and falls, DSE training, and role specific training are all critical for business owners to ensure their staff complete. These courses provide employees with the knowledge necessary to act quickly in any dangerous situation caused by a fire as well as reducing the risk of personal injury to themselves and others. Furthermore, by investing in these essential health and safety courses you'll not only reduce the risk of injury or damage but also create an environment where your employees feel safe while being productive on the job.
We understand that employee training can be difficult and costly. That's why we offer an affordable and easy to use solution that will help you get started with safety training today. With our online courses, you can train your employees at their own pace and remotely from wherever they are located ensure your hybrid workers also meet training compliance.
So what are you waiting for? Get started with ClickHSE today >